Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekly Reflection- Week Two

This week has gone by very fast as the end of Senior Project approaches. Becca and I have accomplished quite a lot this week and are very on top of all that we still need to do to complete our final book.  One of the big things that I have learned this week is the importance of time management. Though Becca and I are at a good place with our workload, this last week has really snuck up on us and we really have to accelerate! I have also learned how to use Google Map tools.  This was a great tool to create a map for our top 20 restaurants and flag the area where each restaurant is on the map.  This project has really been reiterating the importance of teamwork to me. Becca and I each have different tasks in this project as well as a few of the same, and if one of us started to slack off, our project wouldn't be nearly as nice as it is becoming.  I am certainly glad that I have Becca to work with! 

Becca and I have had a lot of fun this past week putting together our book! Though it was time consuming to cut each restaurant menu and around 100 scrapbook paper sheets, our book looks so beautiful!  Our reviews are coming along nicely as well, and we will soon be finished with them to print them out and add them into our book.  We will also be printing out all of Becca's photographs soon too.  Although I know that this upcoming week will be very busy, Becca and I make fun with whatever we do! 

I am so glad that Becca and I got accomplished everything that we planned we would this week. I think that if we hadn't, next week would be way to crazy for us!  We have really used our time well and have thus a perfect scheduled week of work starting tomorrow.  For the most part, everything has happened as I expected it would this week.  The only thing that was different from what Becca and I had planned was our reconsideration of La Meridiana.  I was glad that I had the opportunity to go to La Meridiana, though I only wish it would have been better.  I expected more, and in some ways was let down, so after a talk with Becca, we have now decided to replace the restaurant with another one.  We have in mind what restaurant we want to add though, so in no way will this choice mess up our book, but instead, only make it better for the Proctor families that view it.  

Becca and I will greatly benefit from this past weeks activities.  We are prepared for what we have to finish and what we still have to do, and feel totally confident that everything is going to get done.  If we hadn't done all the work we did this week, I don't think that everything could have gotten done next week.  I am sure we would have found some way to get everything done if this was the case, but it wouldn't be done with perfection and such detail that we are putting into our book.  I am excited for this upcoming week because I can't wait to see the outcome of our final project. Becca and I cannot wait to present our book to the admissions office!     

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