Thursday, May 15, 2008

Cut and Paste- Day 9

Today was a great day!  First, Becca and I woke up and and drove into Proctor because I needed to attend E block for jazz band rehearsal.  After singing, we went to assembly, and my girl BECCA was inducted into the National Honors Society (yay!!).  I was also happy that I saw Jane this morning and we were able to talk briefly about Senior Proctor and plan when we could talk further.  When my fabulous girl was done getting her award, it was around 11:00 and we headed over to the admissions office to meet with Kim Hurlbutt.  She was so sweet and very excited about our project.  She said that she would love for us to get our restaurant information onto Proctor's website, though she just needed to talk to Whipple Hill and work out some details.  It is looking like a great possibility that Becca and I will have our final restaurant books and a web page!  Kim said that she would get back to us and we could come in next week (if time allows) to put up our information.  We left Proctor around 11:30 and headed back to Becca's house.
Once at Becca's, we had a quick lunch break and then jumped right into work at 12:00.  Today was another tedious cutting and laying out day.  We worked straight until 5:00 cutting menus, MapQuest directions, and scrapbook page backgrounds.  Everything was going great until around the 15th restaurant review, where we ran out of scrapbook paper to line the plastic sheets.  Becca and I will just have to run out to a craft store sometime this weekend and pick up some more!  We also ran out of clear plastic sheets at Becca's, though I knew I had a bunch of extras at my house.  I left Becca's at 5:00 tonight with our book that only needed a little more cutting until it was finished (well, besides adding in our pictures and reviews). We discussed the work that each of us would do tonight and tomorrow before I left.  
Back at my house, I worked on finishing cutting and laying things into our book from 7:30-10:00.  I also worked on my Carpaccio's restaurant review. I collected all of the clear plastic sheets I could find and placed our carefully cut information into each one of them (even though they all don't have pretty scrapbook paper in them yet).  I am now happy to say that all menus, directions, and restaurant cards are all cut and placed into our book!  It feels like we are really making progress.  Tomorrow I hope to create a map with all of our top 20 restaurants, work on more reviews, and catch up with Jane and Margaret.   

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