Monday, May 12, 2008

The Beginning of Week 2

Unfortunately, I couldn't do much work today on my Senior Project because I had to spend most of my day (and all of tonight too!) studying for my AP Environmental Science exam tomorrow!  My exam will be in the morning, from 8:00 until around 11:30.  This will leave plenty of time tomorrow afternoon for Becca and I to work on our project and hopefully meet with Margaret.  I was able to work for three hours today though!  This morning I started at 9:00 and worked until 12:00.  A big chunk of this time was spent visiting 10 of our top 20 restaurant's websites.  On each website, I printed out menus on my color printer.  Becca and I decided a few days ago, with the help of Margaret, to include menus in our final book.  We feel that a lot of families will want to look at a menu before deciding to drive to a restaurant.  I printed out menus of the following ten restaurants: Peter Christian's Tavern, New London Inn, Inn at Pleasant Lake, Milestone, Four Corner, Canoe Club, Molly's, La Meridiana, Mai Thai, and Margaritas.  With the other bit of time during my three hours, I worked on my restaurant reviews.  Now that Becca and I have completed our top 20 list, we each have 10 reviews that we have chosen to write.  We will definitely collaborate and help each other with all 20 though, as well as having Margaret and Jane help us with editing.  The 10 restaurant reviews that I am focusing on are Peter Christian's Tavern, New London Inn, Inn at Pleasant Lake, Canoe Club, Molly's, Mai Thai, Margaritas, Inn at Danbury, Colonial Farm Inn, and Carpaccio's.  I am excited to work on these reviews all of this upcoming week because I absolutely love all of these restaurants!  Becca and I talked today and we have made plans for tomorrow.  She knows that I needed to be studying all day today, and I know that she did some good work at her house.  I already can't wait until my exam is over tomorrow and Becca and I can get to work! 


Jane B. said...

Erin and Rebecca, Have you been commenting on the service at the establishments you have visited? This is an imporant component of the industry, especially for high end places.
Good luck on your AP exam tomorrow, Erin. Let's talk soon. Jane

WilsonL said...

I agree with Mrs. Barban. Service is an important component. Aside from that, I enjoyed your write up. Im interested to see the menus at a couple of these restaurants. Study well tonight and get a good night sleep for your APES exam tomorrow. Bon Chance!