Sunday, May 11, 2008

Weekly Reflection- Week One

I am surprised at how fast my first week of Senior Project has gone by!  It has certainly been a very fun and successful week!  I have enjoyed every minute of working with Becca, our sponsor Margaret, and our mentor Jane.  Margaret and Jane have been wonderful in helping us with our project, and Becca is just the perfect partner to work with.  We each have different ideas, therefore, each bringing our own flare to the project and making it something that's going to be very special.  Becca and I are an ideal pair to collaborate and create a book that we hope will be a wonderful asset to Proctor's admissions office as well as all of Proctor's families.  
Becca and I have really been on task this week, and have finished up the week being right where we need to be.  We have definitely accomplished all that we were aiming to this week and I am proud of what we have created so far.  Because Becca and I have accomplished all that we planed for this week, next week will go very smoothly and we will be able to stay on track with our activities and goals that we wrote in our project proposal.  

I think that everything, at least from my perspective, has happened exactly as expected this week.  Becca and I are both very focused on creating this project and were sure to follow exactly what we had planned for this week.  We are in a perfect position to dive right into next week with our reviews.  I am so excited that we have completed our top 20 restaurant list!
I have learned so much this week!  For one, I now know and understand the difficulty of writing reviews.  Our book is going to take quite some time to put together.  When writing reviews, Becca and I both feel that it is important to capture the efforts that each chef puts into making his or her restaurant their own.  In the reviews that each of us will be working on, we must make sure to incorporate the quality and style of food, as well as the restaurants atmosphere, service, and prices.  Other things are important to include too such awards the restaurant has received.  On top of the lengthy review process, Becca and I must also include directions to each restaurant, websites, telephone numbers, and photographs.  We also want to add in some of our own little touches such as "Becca and Erin's favorite dishes"!  I can't wait until we complete our book, though I now understand why 30 hours of work a week is definitely crucial!  

Overall, week one has been a success!  This week has really allowed Becca and I to become organized and prepared for all that we have to do for our final project.  We have had a great start, and I have loved seeing how all of our new ideas come together each day.  Jane and Margaret also share with us great ideas that we might never have thought of, so I am so happy they are here to help with our project!  I am so pleased with what we have put together so far and only hope that everyone will enjoy our top 20 restaurants we have chosen.  Becca and I are certainly excited about them all, as well as each restaurant is excited to have been chosen for our book.  I can't wait for tomorrow, as week two begins!

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