Thursday, May 22, 2008

Busy Thursday!-Day 14

It was an extremely long Thursday.  Becca and I had lots of work to do today, so much so that I worked for a total of 9 1/2 hours!  We woke up this morning and got right to work at 10:00.  I worked on so many little details of our project this morning that I am having trouble remembering them all. The first thing that I did this morning though was to polish the half of my reviews that I didn't print the other night.  I realized that it was kind of silly for me to print out five of my reviews the other night because although I had spellchecked them, I still wanted Becca to read over them (I think I must have just gotten a little excited that they were complete!).  We decided we would switch computers and read each others reviews later on today, because we were just so busy with our own individual little things this morning.  The next thing that I did this morning was create labels with a label maker for the restaurants that did not provide us with contact cards. For six different restaurants, I composed and printed out labels with their name, address, telephone number, website, and email.  After I had all of them printed, I stuck them on their proper restaurant page in our binder. Our binder certainly looked great this morning as Becca finished adding all of the pictures onto each page!  At 2:30 this afternoon, Becca and I took a short lunch break and then began working again from 3:00 to 5:00, when Becca left to go home.  During this time, we read and edited each others reviews.  We welcomed each other to change and add in anything that we thought a certain review was lacking.  I thought Becca's reviews were great though, and barely changed a thing.  We mainly made sure that spelling and grammar was perfect in all 20 of our reviews and that they matched each other in approximate sizes and fonts.  We spoke with Margaret after this today and the phone to catch up and plan a meeting with her tomorrow. She will be a great help in looking through our reviews with us and catching any spelling or grammatical errors that each of us might have missed. Becca and I will also be meeting with Jane tomorrow (we spoke with her over email) to go over our binder!  We are so grateful to be getting lots of help from such bright individuals!  After we spoke with Margaret, Becca flipped through the binder and discovered that a few of our restaurants didn't have a picture of their sign stating their name.  We fixed this though by simply typing the titles of these few restaurants onto a Word document, choosing a pretty color and font, printing them out, cutting them, and pasting them into our binder.  For the little time left this afternoon that Becca was at my house, we both began the review process using Clickbooks.  In our condensed version of our Top 20 Restaurants for Proctor Families book, we are going to include a cover page, title page, map, and 20 restaurants review pages that will each also give MapQuest directions and restaurant websites.  I began condensing my information onto one Word document as Becca did the same thing on her computer.  I recopied my reviews onto a new document and had to retrieve each restaurants MapQuest directions and websites again.  This process took a long time, and I wasn't even close to finished when Becca left to go home. After she left, I took a much needed break to relax and eat dinner and began working again from 7:00 to 10:00.  During this time, I re-read and printed out all of my restaurant reviews.  They all looked great with their different fonts, and I cut them out and added them into our binder.  I didn't paste them in yet though!  This will come tomorrow after even more thorough editing is done by Margaret and Jane.   I also finished my condensed version of our book on one Word document tonight.  At this point, I checked my email to find that Becca had sent her condensed version Word document over as she said she would.  Clickbooks requires that all of our information is in one Word document and in the exact order that it will be printed and bound together as, so I opened up Becca's Word document and I got to work combining our documents together.  I looked into our binder to refer to the order that our restaurant are in, which is by closest area, so this is exactly how I arranged the new combined document.  This took quite some time, seeing as the document came out to be 30 pages, though I was very excited to have completed this. Tomorrow, Becca and I are ready to print out our condensed book through Clickbooks and paste in our cut our reviews in the binder!   

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