Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 8

Becca and I had a very productive day today!  We had talked to Margaret this morning and she said to come over at any time.  We decided we would go to her house at 2:00, and we ended up staying until 5:00.  Becca and I covered a lot about our book with Margaret.  She helped us to change our minds about how we would label and order our book.  We ended up agreeing that labeling the restaurants by area that they are in would be best. Therefore, we have Wilmot, Danbury, New London, Grantham, and Hanover labels.  I spent a lot of my time at Margaret's sorting through our book and putting all of the restaurants in order of the area they are in.  Then, I arranged them from closest time distance (according to MapQuest) to furthest away from Proctor.  I also did a lot of cutting out and a little bit of writing.  When we left Margaret's at 5:00, we decided we would drive and both stay the night at Becca's.  We have to wake up early to come into Proctor tomorrow (for E block, assembly, and our meeting with Kim Hurlbutt) and Becca lives closest to school, so it works out perfectly.  Tonight, Becca and I worked from 6:30 to 10:30 on assembling our book.  We pulled out our colored scrapbook paper and scissors and began.  We spent all of our time cutting out directions and menus to perfectly fit on each individually cut scrapbook paper.  We chose paper that matched well side by side in the book and arranged how the menus, directions, cards, pictures, and reviews should be pasted onto each page. Becca and I found this process to be very time consuming!  It is taking a lot longer than we expected, but our book is looking so good!  We completed pages for six different restaurants tonight, and each page is so unique and eye-catching.  Once we are finished with this process, all we will have to do is finish writing and print out our reviews and pictures (for our final book to sit in the admissions office).  I am looking forward to our meeting with Kim tomorrow and hopefully another successful day!   

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