Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Day 2

I drove to Becca's house this morning at 10:45.  From here, we headed over to Proctor to talk with Michele and meet with our project mentor, Jane.  We discussed our project with them, worked out some kinks, and set up a longer meeting with Jane on Friday.  After our time at Proctor, we drove back to Becca's house around 12:00 and had a short lunch break.  At 1:00, Becca and I discussed the rest of our plans for the day, keeping in mind that we had a meeting with Margaret at 2:30.  We chose to stay at Becca's today and work on our reviews together until it was time to go to Margaret's.  Our 2:30 meeting with Margaret was great!  We talked with her for two hours about ways that we could better our project.  She helped us to narrow down our restaurant list to 21 (we will reveal or top 20 soon...but until now...it's a secret!).  We also decided on the restaurant's that we need to dine at either because we have never before eaten at them or haven't in a long time.  Becca and I talked about more new ideas for our final binder of restaurant reviews and how we would label our book with Margaret.  Margaret recommended using clear plastic sheets with tabs, labeling them either alphabetically, by area, or by type of food.  She is such a big help!  After leaving her house at 4:30, Becca and I drove back to my house to finish up our day of work and make plans for tomorrow.  We decided that tomorrow we will drive to the Hanover/Lebanon area to take pictures, collect business cards, talk with owners, and go out to lunch at one of our top 20.  I will also be going out tomorrow night to another one of our top 20 restaurants for dinner with my family.  Becca went home around 5:30, and from 6:00 to 7:00 I worked on my Peter Christian's, New London Inn, and Colonial Farm Inn reviews and directions.  I am definitely looking forward to tomorrow!  

1 comment:

WilsonL said...

Im excited to hear about your review of the german place tomorrow! Am I not supposed to say that, or will nobody know what I'm saying about the restaurant? Great work so far, Erin!