Monday, May 19, 2008

The Beginning of the Last Week!

Today, Becca and I really got a lot accomplished.  At 11:30 I drove to her house and picked her up.  We then drove back to my house to begin work. We started right at noon with our computers, a printer, scissors, papers, pencils, and glue. While Becca chose to work on printing out and cutting photographs today, I chose to work on and perfect my reviews. Though I had thought that reviews would be easy to write, I have found that they are actually quite difficult!  It took me quite a while to formulate different ways to write similar descriptions for each restaurant.  I referred to each restaurants website (if they had one) to read about each chef and their restaurant.  After writing for a while, I read my reviews to Becca, and she really liked them so I was happy about that!  She also read a few of her reviews to me.  We both can't wait to share our reviews with Margaret and Jane and know that they will be filled with any great ideas that we have forgotten. I am getting ready to start editing and printing out these reviews! Today was also a great day because Becca and I were introduced to a computer software, Clickbooks, that will allow us to create our smaller book that can be mailed to Proctor families.  The computer software is on my home computer and I will be taking time to learn about it. Becca will come over later one day this week and we will put together our book.  We will do this after our binder for the admissions office is finished (which will be in the next day or two).  Becca and I worked up until 5:00, when she left to go home for the night.  Before she left though, we discussed our plans for tomorrow and decided that I would work at her house tomorrow afternoon and stay the night so we could get a lot done!  Tonight, from 7:00 to 9:00, I did a few things.  First, I finished up reviews that I wrote today and did some editing.  I also created a multicolored cover for our binder out of different scraps of scrapbook paper.  Finally, I uploaded pictures that I took at the Inn at Danbury and Carpaccio's.  I chose the pictures at each restaurant that would be best for our binder and edited them.  Tomorrow should be another long day of work as Becca and I crunch down and try to complete our binder!       

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