Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weekly Reflection- Week Three

I cannot believe that Senior Project has finally come to a close!  These last three weeks certainly flew by, as Becca and I were busy working on our project.  I had a lot of fun with Becca this past week wrapping things up and putting our binder and condensed book together.  Though it was a lot of work, I enjoyed every second of this week!  
This week, I learned that if two people really put their heads together and work as a team to create a project, it can happen!  I am so pleased with the end product of our project, and can't wait to hand it over to Proctor's Admissions Office.  I also learned the importance of opinions this week. Becca and I are very different individuals, thus bringing different ideas and opinions to the table every day.  If we hadn't listened to each other, I do not believe that our project could have turned out the way it did.  We both added our own personal flare into the book we created, and can really show it off as something special.  
If Becca and I hadn't completed this weeks activities, we certainly would be in trouble right now!  This week was crucial as we edited, printed, cut and paste everything to create our binder and condensed book on the computer.  We had the perfect amount of work for this week due to good time management.  Becca and I had plenty to do, though not so much that we were cramming to get things done.  We ended on Friday so that we only had a few small things to go over this weekend for our binder.  I am so happy with what we have done and finished this week!  Our binder and smaller book are professional works of art!
There was only one thing that wasn't expected this week, which was the addition of The Old Courthouse into our book.  Since Becca and I had decided to eliminate La Meridiana during our second week of Senior Project, we weren't sure which restaurant we would add into our book. There were three restaurants that we had in mind, though we weren't sure which to choose.  We knew we had to choose a restaurant quickly because this was our final week, so we made reservations for The Old Courthouse on Wednesday.  We were so excited with our meals at The Old Courthouse and were thankful that it was the first restaurant we had tried!  Although we weren't positive at the beginning of the week which restaurant we would include, we are certainly glad that we have The Old Courthouse in our book now to recommend to Proctor's  families!
Becca and I will benefit from this week's activities because our project is now complete and we can present it!  We feel confident in what we have produced and feel our work is top notch.  We hope that as much as we have enjoyed and benefited from our Senior Project experience, Proctor's Admissions Office will benefit from our work as well!       

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